Monday, July 25, 2011

Hold true, be strong, have faith

If only life was as simple as a six word memoir, but sometimes it really is. I am now living in Texas and will for the next 2 years... It still blows my mind and I continuously have "Oh shit" moments. I am excited, nervous, anxious, and a slew of many other emotions for these next two years. Excited for new professional experiences, friends, and just life... and even school. I am really looking forward to getting into a routine. Nervous and anxious because it takes awhile for me to really trust people, for me to let people know me, to feel comfortable somewhere, and its just plain scary transplanting yourself 20 hours (driving) away from your family. Also learning new people's styles, personalities and mannerisms comes with this territory. I have really enjoyed it thus far, I believe I am making headway in the friends department, my apartment is starting to come together which is great and I feel all around comfortable. I think for me friends is the most important part of a new place, because they are whose there when times get rough, they keep you company and share meals with you. Door decs soon to come! I had such a great time going out this past weekend, it was a ton of fun and well worth it! Always be true.

For some reason Texas seems so much further than Arizona did, no more direct flights from Phoenix to Oakland, no more sharing a border or a time zone for half the year... I miss my family. This probably wasn't the best time to leave them, and I know my mom told me not to worry about them, but I can't help it I love them so much. Everything will work out, and it will all happen for a reason, and hopefully it all works out this week-it would be so great for my mom if this was over! Another difficult part has been not having someone to really talk to-don't want to go into information overload. Someday. In two years I hope to get a job closer to home. I have to remind myself not to allow my vulnerabilities to creep in, especially during this time, especially when I am vulnerable-just accept it, go with it, and it will be okay, Just let it be. Stay strong.

In the end it will all work out. Have faith.

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