Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A train to nowhere, an adventure to everywhere

I just took the Amtrak train for the very first time as an actual mode of travel by myself. I don't count the times my mom says we took the train when I was a kid, I don't even remember those! Needless to say I loved traveling via train (minus the extra time it took) it was very nice to be able to read the whole way. Something about the train was so liberating to do it all on my own and be able to travel without a vehicle. In a roundtrip Sacramento-Monterey I was able to finish The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, and then Mockingjay when I got home... More about the series to come. More about my trip!

I arrived in Monterey in the afternoon and was able to head to a cafe near the ocean and just look over the water till my friends (fellow RAs) arrived and we headed to our hotel! I love spending time at the ocean, which is something I will always miss as long as I don't live near it... While Texas has beaches I believe in North West Texas is probably somewhere around 8-12 hours away from the ocean! I feel so fortunate to have been able to see my friend (old supervisor) get married, it confirmed the beauty of life all around us! 

Now onto The Hunger Games Trilogy... It was captivating at best. I really enjoyed the first book (The Hunger Games) but from the second I opened Catching Fire I was disappointed. It was so short, so so short. It could have been longer and developed more of a connection to the characters. I loved the characters, but I could have loved them even more, they could have been developed more... Unfortunately I think the author rushed to get the product out (increase instant income) instead of taking time and releasing the books farther apart giving the audience what they deserve. This is why I will always love Jk Rowling, she gave the audience what we deserved and because of that she has one of the most loyal fan bases, and can continue with Pottermore

And now for the necessary section devoted to how I am feeling about moving to Texas in 18 days! Well if you can't tell by the countdown I am getting quite excited. I am so ready to make those door decs, have my own staff and start bonding! I am even getting excited to buy books and head to my first Grad classes... Perhaps I am not as excited for the homework to start up again! More then the latter I am so excited for the new friends I am going to make! I am even more excited to be able to hang out with the people I have started making friendships with! TTU, Pro Housing Staff, and Stangle Hall see y'all soon!

1 comment:

Sara said...

So exciting!! Maybe we can take cohort trips across the country via Amtrak. Also, I had not heard of this Pottermore shindig, but thank you oh so, so much for enlightening me! (Just you wait for a Facebook post so I can inform my intense HP fan residents.) One other also: I'm leaving in 9 days. Whoa!! See you soon!