Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ticket to Ride

Completed my first full week of graduate classes, homework, work and a social life. It feels like it has been weeks since I have had to balance this many aspects of my life, but I am enjoying it and am starting to really think my classes will be fun! Thank goodness we have a three-day weekend... It seems so odd now that I have a job that requires me to work in the office 5 days a week to really have the weekends to look forward to. No more TGIThursday. Who even came up with the idea of a weekend, who decided that 2/7 of your life was an appropriate amount of time to have off. I mean come on shouldn't they have upped it to 3/7 of the week. No here we are stuck with a 5 day work week and only 2 days to recover. Oh well, I guess this is the welcome to a "real" working life. I am so grateful of this opportunity, and am really looking forward to the challenges.

This weekend was great! I got to paint and hang out with some friends and learn some new things. I have a new six word memoir. Let it be, cherish the moment. That's all we can do. Last night was probably one of my favorite memories of grad school thus far. "You're my best-friend here" is probably the nicest thing anyone could say to me and most meaningful thing anyone could say. I love my friends and am loyal to them till the end of time. Friends that paint together, faint together, laugh together. 

Unfortunately I scratched my painting idea of hope with splatter paint around it. But hope is probably my favorite idea/advice. I do love the idea of hope and always hope to have it in my life. Look where it has gotten me this far. 

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