Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daylight Savings

Today is the 25 hour day, right? Or is it still really only 24 hours? I actually have no idea (just like I am not sure if I will be continuing or discontinuing this blog). So, here I am, with a dilemma. What to do?

That seems to be the question I have been asking myself a lot lately. The answer has typically been anywhere from "Wait" to "I'm not sure" or "Try a little harder". Realistically, there is not much I can do... I have to believe that there is a greater plan and that if I focus I can align my choices with that plan. Just like daylight savings, we turn the clock back, and give ourselves some extra time, I believe that if we wait, aren't sure, and try just a little harder, we can give ourselves some extra time. What is enough time?

The time we have is all we have. Everyone says it, but how many of us know it and live it? I know most days I let that philosophy slip out of my mind. A new goal is going to be to take more time out of the day to think about how I am a member of this world, at this time, in this moment.

These are my thoughts, and perhaps my final thoughts, for this blog. But, who knows!

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