Saturday, November 26, 2011

Giving of Thanks

Dear Best Friend,

Another thanksgiving has come and pass and I had the chance to spend it with some truly wonderful people. First off the family we stayed with, the Reddings, are phenomenal people and were so welcoming and drank wine like water so I felt right at home. First we weren't sure if we were at the right house, but we walked up and in and we were at 1305 Tanager Drive and Mama Redding was quick to welcome us with open arms and calling me Prince William. There was so much food and so many people, and so so much alcohol. The next morning we woke up at 7 to go to downtown Dallas and "run" the Turkey Trot 5k, which we didn't realize was going to be so cool because we got to see Downtown Dallas in a whole new light. What was really great was making the road trip down from Lubbock to Dallas, and back, with two friends. I love being able to just sit in a car, sing, go off road, get speeding tickets and have a blast the whole time. Being with a family and great friends I realize how lucky I really am, there really isn't much to be upset about in the world. It's a beautiful life. 

"When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have." 
- Stephen Hawking

Now for some insight into where I am at with expectations for relationships. I think they are inherently going to arise and are natural and can lead to hurt, disappointment, and pain (which isn't always bad). But like the quote above states I think we must always be able to remove our expectations and look at a situation to truly appreciate what we have. Expectations are important and I think the ultimate expectation is that they care for you as much as you care for them.

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