Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The core, the pit, the seed

Isn't interesting that the core or the pit of most fruits is also the seed?

What is at the core anyways? Today I had a very meaningful conversation with one of my students where we talked about how sometimes relationships can take a wrong turn because we as people inherently change. This change is hopefully good and hopefully it is the result of an experience we learned from, yet how does it (or doesn't it) affect your core? Well that is really up to you. Some experiences in life are going to be so deep rooted in who you are that it may shape your core a little while at the same time there are going to be experiences in your life that because you are so confident in your core that you are able to withstand. Yet I know I am an ever-evolving person, I know there are some things that I believe in firmly, but I am open to change. My perspectives, philosophies, etc. will change from time to time or be influenced, but deep down inside of me there is something - a core of sorts.

The experience that I shared with my student was in regard to the divorces of my parents. We were talking about taking risks, walls we have in relationships, and allowing ourselves to get hurt. I encouraged her, and myself, to take risks, to be in a place where we can get hurt - because we will learn from those experience. She told me that she has always believed that, "when you get hurt, don't harden yourself, forgive yourself, be kind, and remember who you are". What a great philosophy to have! I thought to myself, this is the greatest advice I have heard in awhile. We are who we are because of our experiences. We're all subject to change, even our core, but deep down we all hold in our pit the seeds for change. I encourage my students to take risks, I encourage myself to do the same!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love this philosophy and believe in it--and you--100%. I'm proud of you, friend.